Happy New Year to all our readers!!
According to Chinese calendar, we are having a Dragon year! Firstly, we wish that it will be an excellent and exciting year for all of you..Thanks to this special oreintal celebration, my friends and I tried to create a opportunity and great ambiance so that the future Chinese wine elites can meet the French wine professionals here in Bordeaux.
For that,in 2012 january 21, we organised a big dinner party in a cruise ourself! 63 invitations sended, 52 persons attended.Thank you guys for your participation!
Invitation example dessigned by our team
They were owners of chateau in Bordeaux, professors of CAF Formation de Someilliers,oenologist,markting director of Lillet Company,journalist, authors...
And of course future Chinese elits in different areas of wine industry: Sommeliers, wine importers, exporters, wine educators..
Let us show you how wonderful the night was...
The celebration took place in a lovely ship named MIRABELLE in the Garonne river. The preparation..
The party started..
After party
The one and only team who made this happened:)